OK, so I got rid of the couch monsters, the bed monsters, but now there are LAUNDRY MONSTERS!!! Meowmy was folding laundry and suddenly I saw one! It was BIG and attacking one of Meowmy's favorite shirts from when she went to Call-Edge. I tried to get it but it was wiley. I think these may be the hardest monsters to catch yet! I think they are living in the drawers upstairs. I've been hunting them in the laundry hamper, I jump in to catch them as they seem to be impervious to water & detergent. I think the people must get the MONSTERS Out of Doors.

Oh Latte, Cheysuli always attacks the laundry monsters too. She has to attack efurry thing from the Almost Dad as soon as it's ready to be folded.
Latte, I am furry concerned about the high concentration of monsters in your house. Let us know if you need kitty reinforcements to fight the infestation.
We gots monsters in our lawndry bags, too. I drop toys in there fur them so they'll leaf me alone. Then I fight wif the lawndry bag to get my toy back! It's fun purrtectin the fambly from lawndry monsters.
If it's peace day, does that mean we haf to leaf the monsters alone today? Aw, darn.
Wow, you parents are very lucky that they have you to kill all the monsters. They seem to be everywhere. Just like vishus deer. Makes you think, doesn't it.
nice stomp Latte!!
Oh Latte, you're gonna get worn out if you haf to keep killin' the monsters yourself. I agree with Merlin, I'll helps you take care of them if you want.
You are just so helpful, Latte - Mom needs one of you over here where we are!
All monsters haf to be attacked uvverwise thay may rool the werld.It's a kitty's job to save the peeple furrom the monsters
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