
Meezer Monday

(I'm posting a little early because our snow/ice may prevent me from posting at my usual time tomorrow morning.)

I'm begging you Mr. Couch, PLEASE release my shmousies. I didn't mean to leave them under you and now I can't get them out myself. Can you please please give me my shmousies back? Thank you!


Max said...

Well you asked micely, so I hope Mr. Couch gives them back. Maybe he needs People help...?

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a terrific photo Latte! I hope Mr. Couch released your shmousies for you - you are begging very nicely!

sammawow said...

Latte, we hope that Mr. Couch let you have you shmousies. You were very polite!

China Cat & Willow

Pelu & Carlota said...

latte, you look sexy in the picture jajajja.
Visit our blog, we have a gift for you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

maybe you should purray to the Great Couch In The Sky to tell Mr Couch to release your shmousies?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

I think yoo'll need da beans to get da couch to releese doze shmousies! Tell dem dat yoo need dem back NOW!

Anonymous said...

Did the praying werk???

Gemini said...

Oh Latte Stay Warm okay? We don't want you to get cold!

Artsy Catsy said...

Latte, you have such beautiful praying paws! Thank you so much for your get well wishes for LittleGirl. We're waiting now to hear from her v.e.t.

The Artsy Catsy household

Daisy said...

Latte, I would think, if Mr. Couch had ANY manners at all, that he would release the shmousies since you are begging and praying and everything.

Tara said...

What a beautiful picture! I know how you feel, Mr. Couch is always taking my plastic ring toys. Let me know if the purraying worked.


Kimo and Sabi said...

Prayin' to the couch?! What a great idea - we will have to try that!