Here's some tail curl for you, I know how lots of your humans think my tail is cute.
Since this is such a busy time of year I was wondering about everyone's commenting habits so I held a poll. The results were pretty much what I assumed. Out of 28 responders, 17 said they left a quick comment to let the blogger know they had been there. This is what we end up doing most of the time too, even though we try try try to do what 3 people did and leave long comments on the topic. Sometimes humans are just too busy though and you can only stop in, as per 4 responders. Finally, 5 responders said they just read and don't comment. Well...that's that! I'm just happy if I can put a smile on your face for a second during the day. Of course I love to know who's been here but I completely understand not having the time with so many incredible cat bloggers. I love you all for reading!
you really has a long tail Latte!!!
we try and leave long comments whenever we can, but sometimes there's just so many blogs to read and not enough time. Even if we don't comment, we do read you every day (but I'm pretty sure we comment every time we visit). - Sammy
I always leave a comment, whether it's short or long usually depends on how much I have to say about the topic at hand. My mom helps me use the computer during her study breaks, so she usually doesn't feel too rushed. She just stops when her break time is over.
BTW, thank you for mentioning your new Puppia harness when you got it. My humans bought me one, and I love it! Much more comfortable than my old harness. :)
Such a cute tail!
Interesting results, I'm not surprised by them either. I like it when I get comments, even if they are short.
Hope your Chip Man is feeling OK!
We tend to go along with Dragonheart wrote here... it just depends.
We always like what is going on with your blogs though, because you are just too cool Latte!
Happy day and headbutts, Caesar
There are so many to read that I leave a quick note, but I love to read them all!
Latte, your tail is loooong! My tail is very short. I can't whip it around like you do, but I do whip it as ferociously as I can when necessary, like before pouncing!
Latte, I'm distressed by Chase's poll. How long does it go? I might have to send folks over there to vote for you. You are BEHIND!
Whoa! That is some tail! Even if I don't have time to write a long comment, I like to write at least a short note so you know I visited and had fun at your page.
We always try to leave a comment just to let da blogger know we was there. In fact there are some blogs dat we use 'we were here' on. Their are a few dat we read and rarely comment on, but dey is mostly bean blogs and we just go der fur a laff.
We do try to comment when we visit but there are so many blogs in the catblogosphere and we don't want to miss even on so sometimes momma just rushes through your posts and reads them to us, but has no time to type a comment on all the blogs we visit. We try hard to do so 'though.
Like you we love getting comments so we can she who was there but we fully understand that there is not always time to comment or sometimes one simply has nothing to say on the topic itself.
Even if we do not comment we visit your blog nearly every day and enjoy reading about you!
I am with Daisy, I always leave a comment. My Lady grumbles everytime I add somekitty to my blogroll cause she knows this means I will have her laptop even longer everyday. It makes her made. It makes me laugh.
You have a great tail, Latte! MaoMao has that long, curvy Meezerly tail, too -- he's quite proud of it!
And I always leave comments when I visit my friends. Sometimes I'm succinct and sometimes I'm more verbose, but I always want kitties to know I've been reading and to say Hi.
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
I would LOVE to visit everone and leave at least a short comment, but Meowms computer is so slow, it just isn't possible. Maybe one day we will have a faster computer...
Oh and great tail Latte! Meowm loves it! She is always grabbing mine and I bet she would do the same to you!
These days Hummy is just not up to leaving comments. We visit most sites fairly regularly but for some reason her brain is a little fried lately, probably because we have so much going on.
Latte your tail is fantastic!
We luf you too!
Luf, Us
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