(The dungeon room is to the left of the litterbox)
Yesterday morning Meowmy was cleaning our litterboxes and she was rushing because she had to go to work. When she closed the door to the dungeon she didn't shut it all of the way. After she left for work we discovered that the door was open! We were a little trepidatious at first but we ventured down the stairs. Its a whole new world down there! We spent all day checking out the covners and the big machine things down there and all of the bugs that hang out down there. I had always been scared of it down there but now I'm not. Now I figured out a whole new floor of the house!!! Sadly when the humans came home they discovered the escape hatch and shut the door. They were worried we got into chemicals or ate poisioned camel crickets (we had a lot of those last year that the Chip Man killed). They are going to watch us but think we just had a nice day down there. I found that my stroller lives down there all of the time! There are all of these BIG THINGS that make BIG noises too!!
we're not allowed in our dungeon either. and that's where The One Who Came Before talks to me, so I HAS to get down there sometimes - Sammy
I wish we had a big room full of bugs here! That would be great!
Latte you are a brave brave meezer for exploring down there!
What a gwand adventure you guys had!
Wow - Latte, what an adventure! Did you get spider webs entangled in your whiskers?!
Latte you're so brave! We don't have a dungeon here luckily 'cause I don't think I'm that brave to explore one...
I NEVER get to go in our dungeon. We have the very same litterboxes! We have a lot of the same stuff!
I wish I had a dungeon to explore!
I don't have a dungeon to go explore....bummer!!
We don't have a dungeon, either. We do have an attic and an Off Limits Room, but a dungeon sounds super fun. Congratulations on getting down there to check it out. I bet your lady was freaking out when she found out you'd been down there. heh heh
Sounds like a great adventure! I don't have a whole floor dungeon right now but there is a forbidden storage room where a never ending supply of my food and litter is stored :) You seem to have weird critters that I have never heard of before but they sure sound scary!
Thhat's a great adventure and you were very brave to take part. I hope you didn't scoff anything poisonous though! xxx
We don't have a dungeon but we don't think we would be as brave as you to go exploring. We hope you didn't get into anything bad for you.
Midnite & Stray Kitty
We love the dungeon too. we are never allowed down there either... what an absolutely fun day you had, ha ha :-)
oo a dungeon! we don't have a dungeon in our home - just cupboards! wez live on the top floor too so if there was a dungeon we would need 11 people to leave open their doors cos we are on the 11th floor.
As a house cat it is my job to inspect all the rooms in the house; however, I draw the line at the dungeon... That is where the machine that takes me to the V-E-T is... No way, Jose!
I love my dungeon. I think you need to be able to play in yours all the time.
I think you have a great adventure~!!!
You are very brave~!
what is a camel cricket and why is they poisonous? ~The Fluffy Tribe
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