Siamese Rescue is my chosen charity for raising my paw. You'd think it would be more common for me to raise my paw but apparently Kaze is the paw waiver of the family! Anyhow, is it a big surprise that I want to support my meezer friends who are in need? I know many of you are aware of the great goodies that can be found at the Siamese Rescue Store (including Millie beds the bestest beds in the world!) but I wanted to share some extra goodies about the whole Siamese Rescue Organization!
First of all, there isn't just one center. There are quite a few separate rescues that work together all over the country!
Virginia Center
Texas Center
Rocky Mountain
Souther California
All of these centers have varying amounts of cats they can help but they all share the goal to help meezers in need. Many meezers are fostered in homes by loving supporters of the rescues. Others live in the centers with the other cats. Let me tell you, these cats are well loved and cared for by some of the best beans around. They make sure they get all of the vet care they need and are healthy and happy in their new homes. Its truly a labor of love by all involved.
Have you heard of Meezer Express? They will drive meezers across the country! Its a bunch of beans stopping and passing along meezers going to their new homes. Junior's mom participated in one!
A special holiday event they are having is the annual Dedication of Lights. This is where beans can go and remember those who came before and have a candle lit for them at a special ceremony. It is very special and very moving.
So that is my favorite charity. We try to donate whenever we can and get our gifts for our friends from here since we know that everything goes to help the meezers.
Great job Latte. We just love the gifts that come from that place. It has the BEST toys ever!
Not only did my Meowm particiapte in a Meezer Express, that is how she got me! She had to Pay it Forward.
WOW!! That is very interesting and a great reason to raise a paw!!!
Thanks for this post and the information :)
That's a great cause, Latte!
Good job raising your paw, and great choice!
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