
Meezer Monday

Can you help me understand what a "Cat Free Night" is? I'm really not sure except I know we weren't allowed in the sleeping room on Saturday night. However, this is a term I'm unfamiliar with and was hoping you might help me out. Maybe you could suggest some possible definitions? I'll post the best one with tomorrow's post.


Anonymous said...

Oh Honey, you don't want to be in there for that, they keep bonking you off of the bed!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You weren't allowed to sleep on Saturday? That's horrible. I THOUGHT a cat free night was a night when cats got stuff free?

Anonymous said...

That's crazy Latte, how can they kick you out of your own room! We hope you screamed a lot, and head butted the door.

Our beans have accidentally closes us out once, they learnt their lesson quick..they won't try that trick again!.

Just Ducky said...

Excuse me? If they want a cat free night, then they should go to someplace where they won't interrupt your routine and sleeping spots.

The Meezers or Billy said...

well, a cat free night means that you should start interviewing parents that are willing to have cats in their bed 7 nights a week.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow! A cat free night! Meowm goes away to get those.....but I bet she isn't spending her time away quite like I suspect your beans may be!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

hmmm, a cat free nite is whare us cats are free to eat all the temptatshuns we want. Not sure why thayd lock yoo out...maybe that didunt meen too.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Latte, is a "Cat Free Night" similar to "Human Alone Time" ? When our humans have "Human Alone Time" they lock us out of the bedroom, which is totally unfair, since it's our bedroom too.

Ramses said...

Here a "Cat Free Night" means us cats are free to turn the TV on at 3am and crank up the volume! :) It also means we're free to scratch at doors and pick at carpets without being told off! Now if only we could break into the kitty food, I'm sure a cat free night would mean we were allowed to have an all you can eat kitty midnight feast! :)

As you can probably guess, we don't get many "free" nights here... ;)

Rosemary B❤️ said...

It means no trampling while they are wrestling... I am pretty sure that is what it means...

zevo hussein calamari said...

Cat Free Night means that all cats get in free at the Casino Calamari.........

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

When Beans wrestle they don't seem to like their kitties watching and walking all ofurr them, and trying to give nose kisses, so then they decide they haf to have a cat free night.

Anonymous said...

Oh, we has those too. When daddy bean is "out of town" meommy never shuts us out of our room. But when daddy bean is home on the weekends, that happens a lot. We suspect it has to do with the wrestling. Just be patient. Wrestling usually doesn't last ALL night.

Tybalt said...

That sounds horrible, Latte. No one gets a night like that at my house. Well, I think Almost Dad has tried for one, but we kitties always win. I think it is hard to wrestle when you have three grown kitties yelling and scratching and throwing themselves against the door. It just proves who Mommy loves more . . .

Anonymous said...

hi Latte, this is Imp the Black Meezer! I wanted to let you know that this is a great opportunity for you to get into things in the kitchen. During this time, you can open cabinet doors, tear into bags of flour, and help out with the dishes by pushing them onto the floor. Be as naughty as you wanna; your Mom won't hear all the rustling and banging sounds you're making, because she's distracted wrestling with your Dad.

Daisy said...

It must mean a night of terrible torture and cat-deprivation.

Scout said...

Since Mommy got mono at the first of the month, no nights are "cat free"... Instead it is Daddy who has been sleeping in another room. I like this arrangement much better!

Skeezix the Cat said...

We have IXZAKTLY THE SAME THING in owr howse on Saterday nites!!! NObuddy gits to sleep with the peepul on that nite, and I don't know whut goze on in thare but the door is shut tite and it sownds like peepul are being torcherd inside -- thare's lots of skreeming and moaning, so it keeps us awake. And after it goze on for whut seems like FURREVER, Mr TF comes owt of the peepul bedroom and goze to the peepul catbox room, and then goze back in to the peepul bedroom, and then evrything is qwiet agin. It is vary missteerius.

The Furry Kids said...

I have never heard of this. Did you try flinging yourself against the door over and over and over again and screaming? That always works for us. The Mom says she hasn't had a cat free night since 10/7/05 - the night before they adopted us. heh heh


HRH Yao-Lin said...

a cat free night? You mean, a night when the humans don't have a cat in bed with them? I tell you what that means - CAT ABUSE!! HOW DARE THEY KICK YOU OUT!!! MAKE THEM PAY!

Sunny's Mommy said...

That means Meowmy and TM are mean and don't want to share the bedroom with you cats. You're supposed to cry, yowl and scratch on the door.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Cat free night at our house means we can climb on the cabinets, steal food off of plates and when we knock stuff over in the sink no one comes running to see what fell and yell at who knocked it over! Its not too bad 'cus the shut door hardly last all night, momma always opens the door again because she loves us! ~Queen Snickers

Anonymous said...

We have never had a Cat-Free night in our house. Maybe 'cause we always have Dad-Free nights.

Java's Coffee House said...

Trust me you don't want to be in there watching what's going on. My moms haded a cat free night one time but I gotted the door opens anyways and saw all the goings on. I wased vera traumtized.

SophieKitty said...

How could they sleep without you?!

Sassy Kat said...

I have no idea what a cat free room is but I can tell you I don't think that I like the idea.