Do you think the Easter Bunny will see me if I'm so well hidden? Please note I am under the bath mat and NOT Meowmy's underpants. I think the Easter Bunny is really cool so I want to stay up and see him come to our house. I am the house hunter so while I won't pounce on the Bunny I want to make sure he doesn't take anything like my Whirly-Bird. That would be bad.
I hope you could see the easter bunny~~ That would be lots of fun!
Oh, go pounce the bunny. If ya can, of course. We'll all try...
We can see you ~ though it was tuff finding you!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
I wonder what the Easter Bunny would taste like?! ;)
If i saw the Easter Bun, I would wrestle him!
Happy easter to alllll of you <3
You're a bit camoflaged there, Latte. I don't think The Bunny will find you there..maybe you could pounce him and wrangle an extra chocolate bunny out of him..and give it to your mum, of course!
Latte? Latte? Where are you? Hmmmm....hmmmmm....oh! There you are! I bet the Easter Bunny won't see you there. Let us know what you see!
Good camouflage, Latte. We hope you get to see the Easter Bunny!
I am a little skairt I might get bunny-kicked by a *real* bunny!
Latte you are perfectly hidden. How could the Easter Bunny forget you though?
I was pleased to get your extra special treat, although Georgia immediately pounced upon it. I let her play until she tired of it, as she tires easily these days.
Latte, your Meowmy must love you lots! Your house is Siamese-coordinated!
Our Mommy says we can stay up late and watch for the Easter Bunny - we're thinking of taking it in shifts! Hope you see him!
I think that's a good hidey spot. You should be just fine.
even with my keen kitty eye sight, i can't hardly see you. surely the Easter bunny won't. I hope you get to see him!
So does Bendrix...
i think I am going to try and catch him too! Good luck!
Rats! I am having Blogger problems and I cannot see the picture.
The Easter Bunny is real???!!?
OMG I better wait up for him/her, too!
Thanks for sharing the ringworm with us. My mama didn't realize how common is it. Tea Tree oil is definitely on the shopping list.
Having it for 18 months sounds awful. Who knew trying on shoes could be hazardous!
I never thought the Easter bunny might take things! I will have to hide in my cube and watch out for my toys. ~Queen Snickers
I think the Easter Bunny will leave you things, not take things away. But, just in case he takes your whirly bird, give him the big bitey!
Da eatser bun can findz us any wherez Latte!
Happy Easter, Latte, to you and yours from me and mine - we hope you're having an eggxtra special day!
Hugs & Purrs,
& everybody at Artsy Catsy
I did find you but I think the Easter bunny will have to look hard to find you. Hoppy Easter to you and your family!!
Hmmm ... Pouncin' the Easter Bunny doesn't sound like that bad of an idea ...
Happy Easter!
Teleport over for some ham at 5 PDT.
Say Hi to the Easter Bunny!
I can see you... But only just! I hope the Easter Bunny brought you lots of exciting things.
I've been trying to catch up and Bloglines tells me I've got 1,682 unread items. Doh. And you guys were worried about 210 unreads the other day. I hate to think how many I had before I started today's catch-up! :) xxx
You should have gone with That Thing to find the Easter Bunny!
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