The Toy Man's friend "T" stayed with us the past two nights. Normally I don't care about guests but this one......oh he's special to me. When I was a tiny-tiny 9 week old kitten I met "T" (not to be confused with our visitor from this time last year!). He's not a cat person but I snuggled and purred on him for HOURS when I was small. Meowmy is certain he's mentally not right (but in a rather intellectual way) hence the reason that I was attracted to him. I'm not sure what that means.... Anyhow, "T" brought me FRESH prochuitto from the Italian market in Philadelphia. If you like ham.....mmmmmm....this stuff was HEAVEN!!!
Please consider voting for me in Cat Idol. Kaze was eliminated last night so I want to have a strong showing!
Oh that stuff is delish! Popi gave me some of his once. We of course have none at DKM's house, stoopid DKM.
Oh Latte, that sounds divine!!!!
Ooh prochuitto! There's an Italian market here this weekend and as long as Isis doesn't have the kittens at some strange hour My Mummy will hopefully visit and bring me home goodies too! :)
I just drooled all over the keyboard!
That sounds divine! We saw it one on the food network! Maybe momma will get it for us someday! ~Queen Snickers
Anyone who brings you ham must be very special!
Italian Ham! Squisito, delizioso!
Hmm, we're going to have to get some of that. Mommy buys it sometimes, but she always says it's too good for us. What on earth could be "too good" for us!
How sweet for you! Italian Ham! I adore ham - maybe my Lap Lady will get me some of that Italian Ham!
And you certainly look content in that sunspot!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
A visitor who brings ham is alright by me!
Yum, Italian ham. The way to a cat's heart is through his stomach!
Latte, thank you so much for helping us with Meezer Rule Wednesday yesterday. YOU DA MAN!!!
mommy is now drooling and wanting to make a road trip to 9th street and the reading terminal this weekend. ::sigh:: it's not pretty when she drools.
Isn't it great to have someone to spoil you!!!!!!! That sounds SO good too :)
Purrs Mickey
He brought fresh prosciutto :-0 He needs to visit more often! What a great guy!
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