Then I romp down the hall to the sleeping room door which is closed because I Kaze steal silk flowers and tags from the trash can. So I yell at the door and look her straight in the eye. then she torments me with the "Latte!! Meeze-meeze Laaahhhhtay!" thing that she thinks I like to hear. So I amuse her and meeze. And again she makes me because she likes cat torture.
Once the door opens I run inside over to the grooming zone and have to meeze at least 5 times before she'll brush me. She's so mean. Then she brushes me while I drag myself by my front paws all over the room. I purr nice and loud to keep her lazy human hands moving.
When she's done I may reward her with some snuggling in the middle of the night. Maybe. But only if I can annoy Kaze by lying on her head at the same time.