I'm just chillaxing with Kaze. I've been really snuggly lately with my Meowmy. I know I should be punishing her but I've had second thoughts and I'm now trying to kill her with kindness. I figure by snuggling on her lap at night she is reminded that its time to pay attention to me.
It was so warm here the other day that Meowmy took me outside to get the mail with her. It smelled so nice I hope I can go out on my harness soon!
Oh, nice sunspot!
Oh Latte, you look so comfy. Hope the new plan works!
Dude, I'm glad you're cool with that harness-thing. Mine nearly killed me! Everybody says I should get a stroller, but my mom insists I give it another shot..aaauuuuggghh!
Lucky you that you went outside! You two look adorable chilling in the sun.
Oh Latte, with spring in the air, it makes me think we should plan a surprised one year anniversary trip some place...
That is very very lovely image between 2 of you~!!! So warm!!
Chillaxing in sunshines is one of favorites, too. We just love how your Meowmy color-coordinates your house to match you. You gotta give her some points for that!
I hope this new approach works, I shall check back and see if I can learn by your example - you see I like to get all the love and attention out of My Mummy that is possible! ;)
You got to go outside? I am sooo totally jealous! It is not too cold here but it is raining and if there is one thing I hate, hate, hate, it is wet furs!!
Snuggling is the best! You and Kaze look very sweet snuggling together. :)
chillaxing is a great activity
Great sunspot! I am torn....I see Chase being frustrated because of Kaze and then I see the two of you so content....I just can't decide if I want this other guy to stay in my home or not.
You got to go outside?? I keep eyeing the stroller but The Mom won't take me out yet. Grrrr. Your Meowmy is waaaaaayyyyy nicer than my The Mom.
Snuggle time is very very important. Mom wishes we'd spend more lap time. Huggy Bear is actually turning into a bit of a lap cat, which makes Mom very happy. Hope you can harness up soon!
That will be fun to go out and walk. Renna went with momma to the mail box the other day and guess what she did? She carried in a whole letter by herself! Well momma was holding her but she had the letter in her teeth. :) ~Queen Snickers
It was nice here on Wednesday... now it is crummy again.
Ooooh sunshine!!
You two look very cozy! We love sleepign in sunspotrs - its heaven. Too bad its cloudy and rainy here today.
chillaxing with you and Kaze is my idea of heaven. Sadly, I have to chillax with baby mao which is actually stressaxing.
That is a beautiful picture of you and Kaze :-)
That's a great pickshure of you and Kaze inna sunnyspot! Aren't sunnyspots great? And that's ecksitin that you might get to go out on yur harness soonies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I LOVE chillaxing!
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