When your Meowmy is away....the meezers will play! Or rearrange at least. Hehehe.....
I'm a two year old male Seal Point Siamese. I'm very small and very cute. I am the official house hunter and I have some seriously developed leaping skills yet I'm highly accident prone.
We do it over here too!
Hehehehehe, that sure is cute.
Nice work Latte!
You're doing a fine job, Latte!
Good job! Furkid decorating skills are so under appreciated.
Yep...re-arranging is a good thing! Who wouldn't want meezer decor?
awesome! we hide things 'ahind things too!
I think you are onto a great look Latte.
Re-arranging the blankets and pillows is alot of fun!
HA! Good job.
harharhar....flung the dubg...harharhar... i like to redecorate the house wif all my toys and q-tips
This is a good rule! Though in my case it tends to be, when My Boy is away I'll grumble and moan! ;)
Lots of things to do when the mom isn't home. The trick is to clean everything up just so before she gets back home.
Furry useful rule ~ we follow it all the time!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
So, where are you going to move that blanket, Latte? Are you taking it to your bed?
Rearranging is so fun!
Ohhh, that looks like fun! Mostly we re-arrange the blankies on mom's bed and go unner them.
Latte, did the man in the brown shorts bring you a pakij??
Finny Buddy & Jasmine
ooo that sofa looks very lovely and clawable :) my human likes it alot!
just read your tax bil thing - the Human's American boss was in a foul mood the other day, she wasn't sure why, so she checked his emails (she has access - she isn't a snoop!) and saw an email about his tax return. FIVE figures! oh well, i guess that is the downside of paying yourself alot of money! :)
You should consider getting your own show on HGTV!!
Yeah, that blankie needs rearangin!
Just don't let them catch you!
Oops, too late!!!
So whut else did you re arrange?
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