Kaze is a toy HOG. Sometimes I'm sucessful in playing with a toy even though she is around. Here I'm giving her "The Look". It didn't work. But, you can see a hanger in the background and that was one of my conquests. I stole it from the bedroom and carried it downstairs. Last night I stole the fuzzy from Meowmy's brand new, used once, ear set for her celery phone. I don't know why I got blamed but I did. In all honesty, even though there is no proof, it was me. I do those sorts of things. She's not happy though because now she has to put the hard metal in her ear and she had only used it once. Plus its a special set that she can't just go buy a new one for because of the way it plugs into the new phone. I'm sorry Meowmy but don't leave your things around if you don't want us to play with them!
It sounds like it's all Kaze's fault. If Kaze wasn't stealing your toys then you wouldn't steal your Momma's stuff, huh?
That is a furry nice fevver stick yoo've got in that pickshur. I got my ferst fevver stick reesently, and if somecat tried to steel it, I wood be so MAD!
Oh Latte! Be careful that you don't take the wrong thing! You don't want to get into to much trouble!
We Can't figure out why the 'beans leave their stuff all over and then complain when we try to straighten up either, *sigh* ~Merlin, Shadow, KO KO
That's quite a look, Latte - it would stop *me dead in my tracks!
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