
Meowmy the Night Owl

Meowmy has had a horrible coughing cold the past 2 weeks. It goes on and off but it always wakes her up at night no matter how much cough medicine she takes (and we're talking that stuff that guarantees "You will not cough! You will not cough! You will not cough!". Anyway, her coughing always wakes up the Chip Man and she always gets out of bed to go throw any medicine she possibly can at it. (Apparently her throat closes and she gets scared). Of course Kaze & I always get tossed.

Last night Kaze & I had already been tossed (Kaze's fault, she was purring too loud again. They let me stay but I noticed in 30 seconds I was the lone cat in the room and I HAD to get out). At 2am (the magic time) Meowmy woke up coughing and decided to sleep in the cat/guest room until her cough drop was gone because the Chip Man hates that sucking noise. She lay down and discovered there is NO WAY that will ever be a guest room. Kaze was bouncing all over her, Chase was "cooing" and chasing after Kaze and I was sniffing her head, pawing at her blanket, and walking all over her. Then I got up inside of the Cat Gym and walked around for a while. I think she was more than ready to go back to her bed by the time her cough drop was done. It is the CAT'S ROOM, wouldn't you assume we party in there late at night?


The Meezers or Billy said...

well, YEAH!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Yep...it will always be the cat party room!

Meowm says she had a real nasty cough several months ago and she had to get super, duper cough syrup from the bean doctor. She says it was a narcotic (whatever that is) cough syrup...but it made a world of difference!

We hope your Lap Lady gets better soon!

Gemini said...

Yes, I think it was furry silly that she tried to sleep there.

Daisy said...

I wish I could go to a party at your house! It is very quiet at my house at night.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Nightime is Partytime!

Anonymous said...

well, what does she think cats do at night - sleep?

Eclair said...

My ladee has bin sik with a bad koffing cold and sumthing she callz bronk-eye-tess. Whuts up wif evrywun's hewmuns gitting sik. The wethur heer has bin krazee too, it wuz 68 deegreez 2 days ago, we havint evfun had enny sno yet!!

I like to sleep at nite with my ladee but onless aftur I hav mayd my rownds, an now wif Tira heer I haf to keep an eye on her too.