What a weekend!! WOW! It started with our first stroller ride of the season on Saturday morning. Chase and I got to walk up to the golf course and we had such a great time. Then, we got back and sticking out of the mailbox was a WHIRLY-BIRD!!!!!!!!! OK, I knew they were fun sounding but I mean seriously, has there ever been a better toy? My adopted daughter Tara sent it to me and it was so sweet of her!.
Then the Chip Man was putting stuff together and we got a new TV stand and 2 new night stands which aren't that fun to crawl around on. I told Meowmy to get me more of those awesome tents from the furniture store (IKEA) but she didn't.
What a thrilling weekend!
Look at you two soaking up the sun! Aren't you so pretty together!!
Wow, we just read about your harrowing leg adventure! That was very skeery. We're glad it turned out well for you.
Luf, Us
You and Kaze look like you are enjoying the sun. :) The stroller ride sounds like fun too!
When my dad travels back to Canada, he may have to get me a Whirlybird. They sound wonderful!
What a fabululous weekend!!! Our Mom just scared us with that loud green machine that eats grass, but we did watch a little from the windows...
Dat sounds like a furry good weekend! Der was much tenshon here all weekend but we managed to have fun anyway!
Oh we are so furry jealous that you two have sun! We are still waiting...
Happy Meezer Monday to you! Look both look so beautiful in the sunshine. And it sounds like a great weekend you had, what with stroller riding and sunshine...
Purrrs, China Cat & Willow
Oops - we, of course, meant to say "You both look so beautiful in the sunshine". We should have been watching what we were typing instead of admiring your picture!
CC & W
The first stroll of the season! I bet that was great fun! And a new toy?! Can life get any better?
Wow, strollering and Whirley-Birding? That is a good weekend! And that's a great picture of you and Kaze, too!
Hi Latte! thanks for visiting our bloggie. that does sound like you guys had a very fun weekend. I finks we are going to ask our mewomize about geting us a whirly bird....Sia
We wants to see pictures of you in yer stroller!
You two look great in the sunshine! I'm so glad it warmer there for you. Mom said it was beautiful there today, even though she had to spend the whole day in those meetings.
I'm glad you got the Whirly bird! Isn't it great!
What a wonderful week-end!! yay full of fun and games and rides and sunshine too YAY!!
I love this picture of you two, soooo pretty
We had a great weekend too. It so nice when it's warm. You are two fine looking kitties . . .
I praktikly live on the Poang chare frum Ikea becuz it is cumfterbul, and I think that maybe Kaze mite be sitting on hers at the same time. IKEA roks. Win owr ladey gits bak frum thare she sez all her Swedish werds like Hej då and kokosmjölk and öl, then she goze off on how she shood have bot a sinnamun role. Like whut kind of fernycher store sells sinnamun roles? She is vary weerd sumtimes.
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