
Meezer Monday

Here he is, my "grandfather" Beau. If not for Beau then I would not be in my furever home.

About 30+ years ago my Grandma was in high school. She decided she was going to get a Siamese kitten for herself while her parents were away. So she went into town and got this little lilac point and brought him home. Her parents were NOT happy with the new little creature but they let her keep Beau.

Beau liked to chew on wool and torture their dog Peggy (a collie). He loved my Grandma very very much. He hissed at her boyfriends he didn't like and slept with her all of the time. Then one day Grandma went away to college. From that day forward Beau NEVER forgave her. Ever.

He became my Greatgrandma's cat and made Grandma feel bad whenever she was at home. One day Grandma gave birth to a little girl who was to become my Meowmy. She brought the little girl to live with Beau for a year and Beau LOVED her. He slept with her and played with her and they became best friends. Meowmy was hooked.

Some years later Beau had kidney problems and had to go to the bridge. Meowmy was a little girl (probably about 7) and she cried and cried and cried. Greatgrandma gave Meowmy Beau's PTU to remember him by because Meowmy did not have any cats of her own (she was a deprived child!!!! not really....) For the next 5 years on her birthday Meowmy wished on her birthday cake wish that Beau would come back alive.

Then a year and a half ago Meowmy told the Chip Man she REALLY wanted a meezer of her own. She loves all cats and loved Chase tons but really needed a meezer to make her life complete. Enter me!


The Furry Kids said...

What a great story! Beau sounds like a great meezer representative. :)

The Meezers or Billy said...

great story Latte! Beau was a lilac point? he looks a little dark in the face but his paws are light.

Anonymous said...

That's a lovely story about Beau. It's true that once you've had a Siamese no other cat will do.

Jimmy Joe said...

That's a really nice story, Latte. Momma says someday I'll have a Siamese brother. So I guess I'll have to get used to ninja noises again.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Nice and touched story.
And this picture are so peace.
Thank you for sharing~!

Daisy said...

Beau, you were a true Meezer ambassador. I think you would be proud to know your legacy lives on.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Beau is a very beautiful kittyboy.

This is a wonderful account of the past... remembered with love <3

Anonymous said...

That's a grate storey, Latte... espeshully becuz it shows how Meezers are soopeerier to other kinds of cats.

My gramma used to have a dawg named Peggy, but Peggy was a pug. Pugs are dawgs that look like Simeeze cats.

Ali & Fiona said...

What a sweet story, our momma wants a meezer too but our daddy won't let her.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

what a fabulous fabulous story. You know it is so funny how siamese choose whether they love or hate someone, there is no in between! I am happy your human got you Latte and I think beau was beautiful xxx

Kimo and Sabi said...

A furry nice story. Good looks run in da fambly!

Samantha & Mom said...

Wonderful story! Latte you are such a lucky cat.
Samantha & Tigger

Tara said...

What a sweet, sweet story! Mom has me because of a meezer who came before that Dad had when she first met him. We are all special, aren't we?

Do you want to come home in Mom's suitcase with her?


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

That is a furry nice story, Beau must haf been some kinda meezer! Mom has only effer had one purebred cat and dat wuz a reskoo too! All of us are reskoo kitties. And Mao, all kitties is speshul and beyootiful, non is soopeerier to any other!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

That is a great story! I am very glad that your Meowmy got you!

Zoey and the furballs said...

That was a beautiful story. It made Mommy cry because that's how she feels now. She wants a meezer because she always had them growing up. Now I'm not too keen on the idea but Daddy is already acting like we have one, so I guess I had better get ready.

Just Ducky said...

What a nice story about your Grampa Beau.

sammawow said...

That was such a lovely story! Our Lady used to live next door to a meezer named Pyewacket when she was only 7 - we think she would like us to have a meezer sister-cat too!

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Anonymous said...

what a sweet story! Beau was a gorgeous kitty!