
The Chip Man does a nice job of blaming Kaze for me not liking petting or snuggling. Last night I believe I proved my point that it isn't just her, its the Chip Man too. I love my meowmy, she spent hours in the kitty room with me when I was sick and she takes care of me and loves me even though I don't love touching.

The Chip Man was at some "Clap-ten" concert last night (I can only assume they clapped 10 times and left) so Meowmy was with us alone. On 4 separate occasions I got up in her lap. I even let her pet me two of those times. It was really nice to have her alone and I really really liked climbing on her. I made her smile.

I'm sure if you've read Kaze's blog you know that we got locked in the cat room last night. I'm used to this, as a kitten I got put in there a lot when the people were trying to sleep or when they were making sure I wouldn't pee on the bed anymore. Chase freaked out half way through and needed to get away from us so they let him out. I didn't really care, I lived in there for 2 months when my femur was infected so I'm pretty happy in there. Whatever, if the people need their sleep I'll be nice about it. I'm very easy going so whatever but I hope they don't keep it up for too long, I do like the snuggle room and being with the people.


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Klap-ten heh? The Chip Man has good taste in music. I have to tell you though, they clap more then 10 times though, and they don't go home for a few hours.

Your Momma respects you, hold on tight to her!

Sadie said...

It was nice of you to let you Mom pet you some, Latte. Maybe you should talk to Kaze about the cat room, he seems really unhappy about it. Maybe you can help him find a way to make it fun.

Gemini said...

I don't always let people pet me either. Neither does Cheysuli.

I still think you are furry brave to be locked in a room. I was when I was little but I hates it!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Sounds like you got some quality time with your Momma. And it is good to have a place you like to go to....everyone needs some alone time.

Anonymous said...

We also like snuggling with meowmie, but we don't like other people. Even if they are nice to us. We just want them to eave us alone.

Anonymous said...

Yoo know, Latte, yer a lot more polite and well-behaved than that hellyun sister of yers! Yer gonna grow up to be very dignifide!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

Wow, who wuld wanna go to a clap-ten concurt? That sownd so boring. Hey Latte, wanna go to a Scratch-the-chair-Twenty concurt with us?

Glad yoo like the room. Thats horruble to hear that Kaze get sooooo moodie!

Kitty Cats Corner said...

Awwwwww. Your Momma luvs you no matter what!

Purrs - The Kitty Cats Corner cats