
Kaze is such a freaking toy hog. I mean, she meows like crazy when anyone goes past the toy closet until the bring out her favorite wand toy- which, incidentally, was a present to ME from Mao & Skeezix for my birthday. Whatever, I'd like to play too.

For the next 30-40 minutes there is no way anyone else can intervene with play time as Kaze completely monopolizes the toy. She flies through the air, she stands on her hind legs, she runs all over the place. Meowmy tries to include me as I'm sitting patiently waiting my turn. Unfortunately Kaze then comes flying through the air and knocks me onto the ground. Its not worth it to play if I'm going to be knocked over.

So I wait. And I wait.......and wait some more. She NEVER GETS TIRED. It is so frustrating. Eventually Meowmy gets tired and drops the toy. This is my only opportunity to play with it so I do. Play for me = DESTRUCTION. I hold down the straw with my front paws while I grab at the top with my teeth and PULL. I have a little death grip with my jaws and have been known to acutally win fair and square tug of war games with Meowmy. Mewomy then gets mad at me for "destroying" the wand toy and puts it away.

What do you expect? If I don't destroy it Kaze will keep annoying the crap out of me!


Sadie said...

Dude, you gotta do what you gotta do!

Maybe you should hide the toy somewhere 'fore your Meowmy can put it away. Somewhere Kaze won't find it. Then you could do whatever you want whenever you want!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

It sounds like separate play times are needed. But if that doesn't happen then keep doing what you are doing....... a cats gotta have fun somehow!

The Meezers or Billy said...

you need your own play room wif toys that kaze can't get to.

Anonymous said...

Poor Latte. I hear a rumour that Kaze is afraid of the outdoors. Maybe you should tell him that you also need some playtime, otherwise you will tell Mom to take him outdoors. He, he.

Gemini said...

You are right Latte! Cheysuli plays like Kaze but then she bites the toy too so that I never ever get a chance! And she never tires either...

Rascal said...

My sympathies. Catzee never gets tired either.

Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Wow, Kaze would tire me out, that is for sure, as I am a senior citizen. How old is Kaze anyway?


LZ said...

Patches & Mittens- the little rodent is 9 months old now. I can't imagine if she actually grows bigger. She's a freak of nature already with her long legs, tail, and ears.

Anonymous said...

Latte, I feel yer pane. The wite rat hogs ALL the playtime, so I just kinda give up. And just like yer wite rat, my wite rat never gits tired. How can that be? The peeple are so pooped frum playing with him like 8 howrs at a time that they don't have any enerjy to play with ME --- and like yoo, I've bin sitting thare, all payshunt and DIGNIFIDE wating my turn.

Yoo shood come liv with me, and I'll ship the wite rat off to New Jerzey so those 2 frooty froot bats can play all they want together.