
I made it! Part II.

So we return to the day after my bone biopsy where Meowmy stayed home with me until I was not so woozy. I still didn't want to eat but she got me so many kinds of stinky goodness that I eventually found one that I did eat. No crunchies though. I was in huge amounts of pain and it made Meowmy cry so hard to see me that way. Even though I was on pain meds, it wasn't enough. Luckily Dr. Ian is a wonderful VET and called on Saturday afternoon, from his house, just to check on me. He looked at a book and told Meowmy to triple my pain meds because he didn't want me all hurty. Things got much better after that!

I was a bad little meezer patient and I pulled one of my 2 sutures out within the first 3 days. Meowmy had to put a cone on my head and take me back to Doc who was able to suture me up with a BIG suture that was dangly. He was upset they didn't put me on any antibiotics at the clinic and he said my wound was infected so he told Meowmy to put warm compresses on it and gave me my first antibiotic. After I had my cone installed I figured out how to use it to my benefit. I was in my isolation room for 3 weeks so I got pretty bored. Its a nice room with plenty of sun and its cozy but I was freezing since my entire back leg had no hair! I figure out how to use my cone as a funnel for the heating vent.

I started to get a little bit better but I was still messing with my sutures. Again I ripped the BIG suture out leaving a huge gaping hole into my leg!!! Meowmy was SOOO scared and she rushed me back to the VET (by this time, they all knew me and I pretty much lived there). I had to go back the next morning and have my wound cleaned out and sutured again. There was a lot of dead tissue so a lot had to be removed. This is when I got my second e-collar and where I became the "Blue Daffodil".

Still, after 2 weeks...no diagnosis! But, I was getting slightly better. Finally the Langhorne people called and said that the only thing they found were 3 different types of bacteria. They repeated (for the gazillionth time) how odd and unusual this was and they had no idea how it attacked my bone. My antibiotics got switched to a stronger different kind but I credit DOC for putting me on them when I pulled my first suture out.

FINALLY I could have my sutures removed and I was getting so much better that I could go out and hang with Chase again (we didn't have Kaze yet). It was such a hard time and my hair took forever to grow back. I still have a scar where there is no fur and the fur that covers it is very light. Dr. Ian said he was going to write an article about me because I was a medical mystery but he still hasn't because there isn't much to say other than I had an infection.

No one knows where it came from or why it attacked my leg like that. The owner of the Langhorne Hospital told my Meowmy (while she was taking care of Snap who had a huge gash on her leg and was all puffy) that the closest thing they could figure was it was related to a lung disease that kills woofies. I had to get an x-ray 6 months later and you know what? I was all healed!!!! Therefore we think I'm in the clear with my leg thing.

I had another bad reaction to my rabies shot this year where I limped for a week. I got my pain meds again and then was OK but that means I don't have to have any more shots ever!!!! I'm exempt.

Stay tuned for the end of April when I tell about my second, even more life threatening adventure!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Latte, we is so gladded that you made it frough this horrible ordeal! and then you had ANOFURR one? oh my

Anonymous said...

Oh, Latte...We are soooo very glad you made it! We were restless when your Mom left us hanging yesterday. And we must confess, you do look a bit ridiculous with your double cone necklace... Be a good kitty next time.

Tara said...

Wow, those e-collars are amazing! No wonder you were called a blue daffodil!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I remember Meowm telling me about this....we purrayed and purrayed for you.....and all those purrayers helped! But I don't remember the second adventure....

Gemini said...

Oh Latte we are so glad you are better. Just think, without you, Cheysuli wouldn't be getting married and Momma wouldn't have a handsome meezer cat to look at every day!

Daisy said...

Latte, I never knew this story about you before. And I am so sad that you went through this, and then even ANOTHER bad adventure? You were very silly to pull out yer sutures; I have never seen a DOUBLE e-collar before. That makes you special.

I also think it was very smart to use the cone to funnel the warm air to you!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Oh my, Latte! What a scary experience. Poor you, having to go through all that as a Meezer kitten. :( I'm so glad you made it through all that!

A medical mystery - wow! So are you famous? Did you appear in a paper in a prestigious vet medical journal?

And you had another life-threatenend adventure? You've sure been through a lot in your life so far! I'm so glad you've made it through all your adventures to be with us.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

I knew it had a happy ending. I wish they had been able to figure out what it was though because it sounds very serious. So happy you are all better now though. Can't wait for the next installment xxx

Karen Jo said...

Wow! You sure went through a lot as a kitten. I like how you figured out how to use your cone to funnel warm air.

AbsoluteLeigh said...

Wow, how scary for your beans Latte! You look great all the time, even as a Blue Daffodil :)
And you have another life threatening story to come, you must be an extra special meezer Latte :)

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo are a medikal mirikal! And yoo had another life thretening advensher! I hope dats all, no more getting sick or hurt, o.k.? O.K.!

Artsy Catsy said...

Latte, you are a very brave and strong meezer. We think you must have 99 lives, but you gotta stop the life-threatening adventures before you use up any more!!

& the Artsy Catsy houseful

Max said...

Wow...that's a lot to go through. I bet your Mom doesn't even HAVE any more tears cause she leaked 'em all out worryin about you.

I gotta say, good job on pulling out the sutures. You must have known the people would take care of it, and it gave them something to do, right? ;)

momsbusy said...

oh my, anofer life threatening adventure. we is not shure we can handle all this suspense. will it be rated gc (general cats)?

yuki & kimiko

Lux said...

Whoa, Latte! How brave you were, and so young. I'm so glad that your leg is all better now.

(That collar thing scares me.)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy wow! That is da scariest story ever! We is so glad you is in good shape these days!

Tiger Lily said...

Hoo boy Latte. You sure did go through some tough times. It's hard to imagine an adventure that was even more life threatening. Don't be too long before you tell us about it please.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We didn't know nuffin about all this. When we read it yesterday we wuz reely wurried furr yoo. When we read todays we wuz so happy yoo wuz given the all clear. Yoo are furry brave. Here are some more (((hugs))) furr yoo.

Anonymous said...

I know your meowmy cried a lot of tears. YOu look so adorrable with that huge blue collar. You pooor thing. what a cutie pie.

Caesar and Prinnie are exempt from shots too... they got huge cysts after the first and second ones.

I am so glad you had good medical care and that you are here. You are so cute
<3 <3 <3

newbie meezer said...

wow - you 'af been through a lot - i'm chuffed you're feeling better :)

GARGOLAS said...

Muchos cariños para tí y que te mejores pronto.

Spoiler said...

You're looking beautiful -- but aren't those cones awful? We need to invent something that's more comfortable.

Anonymous said...

Is that a shaved tummy foto in the middul? Don't let the wite rat see it. He'll go NUTS!

Anonymous said...

how awful for you! and you've got another story too? you poor sweet kitty - that's way too much to go through so early in your life.