
Meowmy is Sick

Are you OK Meowmy? Are you??? Huh? Are you sleeping? Why do you keep blowing your nose and yelling at me for getting too close to your face? You know its my job to keep tabs on you and make sure you're 100%. Why don't you stay home today and I can watch over you to make absolutely sure you're OK. Well I'll be RIGHT HERE if you need something. I'm not leaving your side for anything!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh your poor momma. we hope she feels better soon. if you needs help purring on her, we'll come ofurr.

Mo and The Purries said...

sending good vibes & warm thoughts to your Meowmy! take good care of her, Latte!

Gemini said...

Chey says it's best if you don't sleep on their chest. They keep moving you when they sneeze.

Purrs to you and your mom.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You are such a good boy to watch over your Meowmy! I hope she feels better soon!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Oh Latte, what a wonderful boy you are! Your Mommybean will feel better soon. Just keep loving her and giving her headbutts and lots of purrs!

Daisy said...

Latte, I can tell by your expression that you are very very concerned. You are a nice boy! I hope your Mommie feels better soon.

The M's said...

you are such a great meezer you are to take such good care of your Mommie like that.

Anonymous said...

Latte, That picture of you is lovely!!! So handsome! Hope Mom feels better soon!
Stella (& Kaia, too)

Parker said...

I LOVE the photo of you Latte! But I am sorry your Mommy is sick! You have a very handsome face!

GARGOLAS said...

Buena foto!!


Anonymous said...

Oh Latte, you are a very sweet boy kitty to take care of your poor sick mommy.


Lux said...

What a cute face you have, Latte. You look very serious about nursing your Meowmy.

Just Ducky said...

Latte you look very concerned. Hope your mum feels better soon.

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

We'll send some extra purrs your way for your mom. I think she'll be fine though, with you watching over her so determinedly.

a fluffy feline friend said...

Aww, you are such a good meezer. Purrs and gentle headbutts to your Meowmy.

Max said...

Oh, you know when they sneeze a lot, you should lay across their face and purr reall hard. This loosens everything up for them. Really. Go ahead, try it!

Tara said...

I'm sorry your Meowmy is sick. You look like you are taking good care of her!