
Meezer Monday

Here is a picture of my adorable meezer tail. Cute isn't wasn't it? Sadly my tail is not so cute anymore. It is lumpy and shaved and just not what I would call "cute". Here it is now...

Thanks to all of my friends who came to the wedding on Saturday! It was so amazing and so much fun! I'm so glad I could so much time with my friends. Chey and I are enjoying our private island and I was smart to book an island with good Internet access!


Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm just glad that your tail wasn't broken, I'm sure Chey is doting on you paw and foot to help you heal. :)

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Sorry to hear about your tail, Latte. :( But if it's shaved, it must look good! You don't need fur to be handsome. I like your tent - I have the same kind of tent in blue!

Once again, I'm sorry I missed the wedding. :(

I hope your tail feels better soon!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Your furs will grow back. We're just glad your tail wasn't broken.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your nuptials! We are new to the blogosphere but have heard about this blessed event from reading other blogs!

Sincerely, Sam

Dude, that is like SUCH A PAIN, to have anything wrong with your tail. When my tail bothers me I can't, like, think of anything else. I hope you feel better soon.


See, now they are making me go last and I ought to be FIRST because my letter comes first. I never heard of anyone having to shave a tail I hope it doesn't hurt too much.

xxx Flat Cat.

The Crew said...

Oh Latte, we're so glad to know your tail will be OK!

Also we want to send you & Chey our best wishes for good health & happiness!

The Crew

Rosemary B❤️ said...

OH NO! your tail looks owie! I hope it recovers. Maybe it just needs a rest!

Have a great Honeymoon

Anonymous said...

Oh Latte, you are still a handsome meezer and fur will grow back.

Unknown said...

Latte, first concatulations on the wedding to Chey! We are sorry we missed it but when the beans are sick, we gotta take care of them.

We are sorry to see your tail looking sad. don't worry, it'll be good as new soon!

Daisy said...

Ouch! That does look very hurty. I hope your tail feels better soon.

I like your tent! It seems much nicer than mine.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Latte, we'z hoping yoor tail will feel better soon. We all had a grate time at the wedding, concatulashuns to yoo and Chey, hope yoo two haf a long, healthy and happy life.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Latte- will your tail be able to stand up again when it is better? It looks so painful. we is purraying that it gets better soon!

The Furry Kids said...

I, I mean, we have the same tent. I really like to chew on the whiskers.

Your tail looks like it hurts. I hope it feels better soon. I'm super glad its not broken.

Congratulations on your wedding. The pictures were really nice.

~Earl Grey

Kimo and Sabi said...

Wowy! That takes a real mancat meezer to get yer tushy and tail shaved!

Anonymous said...

Ooooh, your tail does look like it has an ouchy!

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Your tail looks like it's sad. Tell it not to worry, the fur will grow back soon. I had to have mine shaved a few months ago. Now it's all better and furry again!

Enjoy your island getaway!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about not being able to come to the wedding - and hope your owie gets better soon! We thought you'd be in a full-body cast by now! :)

your friends,
Daphne & Chloe

Parker said...

Owie - I hope your tail back up in the air in no time! Sorry I missed your wedding something about "quality time" from Mommy and Daddy...

Lux said...

Oh Latte, your tail looks like it might be a little painful! Good thing you've got Chey to take care of you now.

P.S. A Canon 10D digital SLR, but she wants a NikonD80 or D200.

sammawow said...

We were so sorry to hear about your hurt tail. Hope that you are feeling better and luckily your fur should grow back. However we think that Chey will still love you anyway.

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow

Just Ducky said...

Latte what a bad time to have tail problems, just when you should have it held high to show off with Chey. Hope it gets better soon!.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Latte yer tail looks reely hurty. We hope it soon recuvvers. Concatyoolayshuns to yoo and Chey.