

I don't see what a big deal my tail is. Sure it curls up when I'm happy and it inverts when I'm running around playing (looks like an arc). Tails are not understood by beans at all. Tail control is an ancient dialect that only we cats can understand. Don't you just love telling your human what you really think of them and they say "Aw, what a sweet little tail thump!" when you are really telling them what horrible things they can do to themselves if they don't play with you or feed you. Thankfully, our secrets are safe with us.


Just Ducky said...

Oh no Latte, mum understands my tail thump. It means 'leave me alone'. She knows that.

Tiger Lily said...

My Mom knows to leave me alone if I thump my tail. But ... it's probably a very good thing for continued Stinky Goodness that she doesn't always know what I'm really saying.

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Our mom just oohs and aahs about your tail, Latte.

We just came back from viewing the entries in the Halloween contest. Your costume is SUPER!


Boy said...

Beans just don't have it in them to understand tails.
But honestwy, you've got a pwetty awesome tail!
Mine is just a stump and I wish it could be wonger.

Anonymous said...

It looks like an umbrella handle.

Anonymous said...

Latte, you have a marvelous tail. I think it's as fine as the rest of you. I do love that humans don't get the language of the tail as well. I often flip off the Human Male with mine.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

That is a very beautiful tail you have.

I am happy that michico understand my tail language, but she sometimes still play my tail very often. Because she understand my tail and me~! So... hmmm, I only could say she is childish~

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You have a lovely tail, Latte. My tail is very expressive. Sometimes my humans understand, sometimes they don't.

BTW, I have a Hallowe'en treat for you on my blog! :)

Parker said...

Hey Latte! We have the very same snuggle!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Surprisingly, our Big Thing pays a lot of attention to our tails. He seems to read them alla time. We think that is usally good (as he seems to know exaktly when to pet us or not), but maybe he unnerstands what we is thinkin too well...

An that is not allus good.

Skeeter and LC

Ramses said...

I flick my tail around when I'm happy and being fussed lots. I think it's funny when it tickles Mummy! ;)

The Furry Kids said...

You have a great tail, Latte. Momma's not very good at interpreting tail language, either. All she knows is that if EG gets "twitchy tail" then she's gonna get the bitey. hee hee


Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Momma is always laughing at my crooked tail. It has two bends in it and I can't lift it straight up. Maybe plastic surgery, what do you think? I would like it to look like all the other cats.

*Big Sigh*


None said...

I often have just the tip of my tail curled but thats no reason to point and laugh! Servants are clueless about tails. They even think that I'm cute when I poof up my tail and round my back ... that's not being cute, that's me being SCARY!


Black Cat said...

I love your tail Latte, it's very expressive. I was quite good at reading the tails of the cats who lived with me - but the "I'm going to put the bitey on you" tail never saved me - they were too quick for me! (Excepting Cybil, she never put the bitey on me) :) xxx

The Meezers or Billy said...

Mommy thinks I'm saying "yes" when she babbles "does you wuv me?" at me and I thump my tail. I'm telling her to shut up, but she just doesn't unnerstand- Miles

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I donfuse my Meowm with my tail language. Sometimes when I am happy I thump my tail and sometimes when I am mad I thump my tail. She has to watch me close to see how I really feel! Meowm and I love your tail!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Oooh you hit the nail on the head there! I do tail thumps and often, when the human calls me, I will saunter away and give my tail a little uplifted ' poof' so that she can see my bottom. It does her good! ha ha x

MaoMao said...

My Momma loves when I do that curly thing with my tail, too! She read the legund about the Siamese Cat keepin' the rings safe fur the Princess, so when I do my tail like that, she always sez, "Lookie, MaoMao's keepin' the rings safe fur the princess!"

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Furry Fighter said...

Latte! you are my View-From-Above Twin!!! well, when I was a little bigger pre-lymphoma at least - ise a bit skinner now! :)

Tara said...

Latte, your tail is magnificant!