
I'm STILL getting darker

I think I've mentioned before that meezer fur gets darker when its cold (tail, ears, paws) and creamier on the warmer areas. Our fur colors are also affected by age and ambient temperatures. Here you see a picture of me last June (as far back as Meowmy has pictures on this computer). First of all I was in heaven Out of Doors. Secondly you can see I'm quite creamy looking.
And here I am now. As I make my Meowmy write this for me she is staring at my furs as I sit in her lap and saying "Latte, you have gotten so dark!" Its true, I'm really becoming rather dark. My back is rally mostly brown now.


Willow said...

Oh, Sir Meezlington, you look wonderful no matter the color! However, it is interesting that your furs do change colors!

Purrrrrrs, Willow

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

You have different suit~~ That is very neat~!!!!!!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

yep, mommy says it's because we is genetically black cats wif a weird gene. i just think that's rude. we is SPECIAL.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That's okay Latte. I think you are handsome no matter what color you are! Meezers are right--we are SPECIAL cats.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor handsome in any color...if Chey doesn't mind us saying, we find yoor blue eyes hypnotic.

Isis said...

Oh I'z like your darker furs they'z very purrty! :)

The Furry Kids said...

That is so cool! I didn't know that your furs changed color so much.


Daisy said...

My Mommie's Siamese cat-who-came-before named Cricket got really dark! He was 16.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

I like your darker fur, and I like your lighter fur. Meowm says that She Who Came Before Me was very dark.

The Crew said...

I can't speak for Meezers, but in my case, when I was a baby my nose smudge was so pale, Mom thought I had dirt on my nose. Now it's darkened to a nice, distinct triangle. So I think probably darkening is common to all cats.


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

My ginger boys did that, one was the strawberry blond as a kitten and now (3 yrs) he is burnt orange and the other was pale tan and is now(2 1/2) much darker. ~Queen Snickers

Sunny's Mommy said...

I didn't know that about Meezers. I can see you are getting darker.

Motor Home Cats said...

We are 14 now, and we are much darker than when we were kittens. Mom is still looking for kitten pictures of us to show the difference.

You are still a handsome mancat.

Tiki and Tavi

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Yep, Meezers get darker when it's colder out and when they get older. The one who came before, Whiskers, was very dark during his last year, when he was 19.

My points are starting to darken a little bit - the edges of my ears are getting darker, and I'm starting to get dark on my "goodie sack" which Dragonheart tells me won't be full for much longer, whatever that means.


Anonymous said...

I love watching Siameses get darker. :) Little Pye is darkening up very prettily. I must get mom to do a photo page of her changing color. :)

Anonymous said...

Latte, we like your brown furrs! You look absolutely handsome! A patch on Nico's back got slowly darker over time, too.