
Psst....this is Chase here.

Latte said Mao posted a video of a kitten nursing at his big brother. Well I figured I'd share just how big and tough Latte was when he was a kitten. Yup, that's me, and that's him nursing.

Hehehe.....and they thought I didn't know how to blog. That's right, assume the Big Kitty is clueless, that's how I rule the home.





The Crew said...

At 9 years old, I'm senior cat here, and I agree with you. We must hold back some information, otherwise how can we remain in charge! We can reveal all our secrets.


The Meezers or Billy said...

heeeee! what a cute pikshur!

amy and the bad cats said...

latte, you're a gorgeous meezer! our cousin simon is mostly meezer, so we likes meezers, even though sometimes simon's mean to us when we go to his house.

Zeus said...

I agree with Grr, Midnight, and Cocoa. I would so be waving that photo in Chase's face every time I wanted something!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the "evidence", Chase! I bet thare are a lot more big bruthers owt thare hoo have to put up with indignity after indignity frum thare littul wite rats like Latte and Skeezix. Do yoo git extra points for doing stuff like that? NOOOOOOO.